Becoming a shadow tracker
Which part of you do you wish wasn't there? Which parts of you are difficult to acknowledge?
This is your shadow; And we all have one. The part of ourselves that is not valued by our culture, our families and ourselves and so we repress and keep it hidden. So hidden that we can forget it is there and it forms a part of our unconscious self.
Like anything ignored the Shadow finds a way to make itself exist. Signs that your shadow is begging for your attention are: a very loud inner-critic, self sabotage, difficulty with relating with others, defensive behaviours and low self esteem. Your shadow is not a flaw or a mistake, it is a natural part of you and we therefore cannot feel our best and show up as our best unless our shadow is integrated into The Self.
Shadow Work is self acceptance work. It is the process of engaging your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself. It is the practice of acknowledging all your thoughts and all your feelings.
Becoming a Shadow Tracker is accepting the existence of shadows and making the choice to become more conscious and curious. In this course you will learn to engage sensations, urges, thoughts and feelings as data you can use to track your shadow. “Your shadow” is a metaphor for the unconscious and therefore it takes immense skill to entice the unconscious forward.
By accepting your shadow self you can start to see how your thoughts and emotions influence your behaviour. This awareness empowers you to take control of your life and live authentically.